Sharing Bookmarklet No Longer Works

The sharing bookmarklet does not work. Each and every time I use the bookmarklet, it reports: “Sorry, but there was an error trying to share this story.” Previously, the bookmarklet would issue the error but the story would appear on my Blurblog anyway. Now, the bookmarklet issues the error and the story never makes it to my Blurblog. So effectively, the bookmarklet is completely pointless.

Separately, as a related feature request, I think the bookmarklet should open in a pop-up window. The overlay model makes it impossible to copy/paste parts of the underlying article - instead, you have to just share the whole thing and edit in the overlay window, which can prove frustrating. In terms of user expectations, both Tumblr’s sharing bookmarklet and Google Reader’s old sharing bookmarklet both opened in new windows.


Update: The problem is partly browser-specific. On Firefox 20, the bookmarklet does not work at all. On Chrome 26, the bookmarklet issues the apologetic error but still shares the story to my Blurblog.

For info, the bookmarklet works fine for my Chrome v26, Windows 7 setup. (no error messages).

I like the suggestion that it should open a new window.

3dbloke, when you say that the bookmarklet works fine, do you mean that it shares stories to your Blurblog or that you don’t see any error?

Even when the bookmarklet was sharing stories to my Blurblog, I’ve always seen the error.

AAA. I see no errors during execution of the bookmarklet, and the stories go to my BlurBlog.

Bookmarklet seems fine here in FF20, Win7.

Strangely it’s now sharing again to my Blurblog in Firefox 20 on 10.8.3, but I still see the !@$% error message! Then again, I always have so maybe it’s more of a personal problem.

Error persists. Console output: ``` [03:30:29.102] [cycle] terminating; zero elements found by selector (DOM not ready)
[03:30:32.271] JQMIGRATE: Logging is active
[03:30:32.272] JQMIGRATE: jQuery.browser is deprecated
[03:30:32.272][site] :: migrateWarn :: 53[site] :: migrateWarnProp/<.get ::></.get>[site] :: null :: 1238[site] :: null :: 1863[site] :: null :: 3
[03:30:32.301] JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.attr(‘selected’) may use property instead of attribute

[03:31:26.979] [“error sharing”, {readyState:4, getResponseHeader:(function (e){var t;if(2===v){if(!o){o={};while(t=Jt.exec(i))o[t[1].toLowerCase()]=t[2]}t=o[e.toLowerCase()]}return null==t?null:t}), getAllResponseHeaders:(function (){return 2===v?i:null}), setRequestHeader:(function (e,t){var n=e.toLowerCase();return v||(e=y[n]=y[n]||e,m[e]=t),this}), overrideMimeType:(function (e){return v||(c.mimeType=e),this}), statusCode:(function (e){var t;if(e)if(2>v)for(t in e)g[t]=[g[t],e[t]];else T.always(e[T.status]);return this}), abort:(function (e){var t=e||b;return n&&n.abort(t),k(0,t),this}), state:(function (){return n}), always:(function (){return i.done(arguments).fail(arguments),this}), then:(function (){var e=arguments;return x.Deferred(function(n){x.each(t,function(t,o){var s=o[0],a=x.isFunction(e[t])&&e[t];i[o[1]](function(){var e=a&&a.apply(this,arguments);e&&x.isFunction(e.promise)?e.promise().done(n.resolve).fail(n.reject).progress(n.notify):ns+“With”})}),e=null}).promise()}), promise:(function (e){return null!=e?x.extend(e,r):r}), pipe:(function (){var e=arguments;return x.Deferred(function(n){x.each(t,function(t,o){var s=o[0],a=x.isFunction(e[t])&&e[t];i[o[1]](function(){var e=a&&a.apply(this,arguments);e&&x.isFunction(e.promise)?e.promise().done(n.resolve).fail(n.reject).progress(n.notify):ns+“With”})}),e=null}).promise()}), done:(function (){if(a){var n=a.length;(function s(t){x.each(t,function(t,n){var r=x.type(n);“function”===r?e.unique&&c.has(n)||a.push(n):n&&n.length&&“string”!==r&&s(n)})})(arguments),r?o=a.length:t&&(i=n,l(t))}return this}), fail:(function (){if(a){var n=a.length;(function s(t){x.each(t,function(t,n){var r=x.type(n);“function”===r?e.unique&&c.has(n)||a.push(n):n&&n.length&&“string”!==r&&s(n)})})(arguments),r?o=a.length:t&&(i=n,l(t))}return this}), progress:(function (){if(a){var n=a.length;(function s(t){x.each(t,function(t,n){var r=x.type(n);“function”===r?e.unique&&c.has(n)||a.push(n):n&&n.length&&“string”!==r&&s(n)})})(arguments),r?o=a.length:t&&(i=n,l(t))}return this}), complete:(function (){if(a){var n=a.length;(function s(t){x.each(t,function(t,n){var r=x.type(n);“function”===r?e.unique&&c.has(n)||a.push(n):n&&n.length&&“string”!==r&&s(n)})})(arguments),r?o=a.length:t&&(i=n,l(t))}return this}), success:(function (){if(a){var n=a.length;(function s(t){x.each(t,function(t,n){var r=x.type(n);“function”===r?e.unique&&c.has(n)||a.push(n):n&&n.length&&“string”!==r&&s(n)})})(arguments),r?o=a.length:t&&(i=n,l(t))}return this}), error:(function (){if(a){var n=a.length;(function s(t){x.each(t,function(t,n){var r=x.type(n);“function”===r?e.unique&&c.has(n)||a.push(n):n&&n.length&&“string”!==r&&s(n)})})(arguments),r?o=a.length:t&&(i=n,l(t))}return this}), status:404, statusText:“error”}] ``` I use AdBlock too, and always wonder if that’s responsible for breaking things that otherwise should work.

I’ve been having this problem too. I’m now on Firefox 21 and the problem persists.

I get that same error, but the story is not shared to my Blurblog.

OK, I fixed the problem where you couldn’t unshare a story. But the issue remains that you can’t share from the bookmarklet. Kxra, I took your bookmarklet and shared this thread. It worked great, and then I noticed you also shared this thread. Is this specific to a site? Can you share this page?

It seems to happen across on all sites when I’m using Firefox. I’m only able to share stories without doing so from a feed when I switch to Chromium. I’m using 64 bit Fedora 18 if that’s relevant at all.

I also have this problem. Using Firefox 21.0 on Ubuntu. Unable to share using the bookmarklet from any site.

I, too, have this issue.

I’m able to use the bookmarklet to share a story, and the story shares successfully, but it displays an error message as if there was an error. I’m using Windows and Chrome 26, latest build as of today.

I can’t get the bookmarklet to share any stories in Safari Version 6.0.5 (8536.30.1). No error message appears.

Bookmarklet sharing fails for me if the Chrome extension HTTPS Everywhere is running. I wonder why.

Bookmarklet sharing works for me if Adblock Plus is running.

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Same for me in Firefox - Turning off HTTPS Everywhere allows sharing from the bookmarklet. It would be great if this could be fixed - other sharing bookmarklets I use don’t have this problem.

Aha! That’s it! I have https everywhere on firefox and not chromium. That explains it. Now can it be fixed?

Well it looks like the bookmarklet transmits the newsblur session id in plain text, so I would consider that a vulnerability.

On the plus side, hackers will be distracted by the Simpsons http headers, so you have some extra time to logout before they can spoof your authentication.

Sharing bookmarklet is no longer working for me. The “share story” button does nothing (not even an error message).

Tested with Chromium version 25.0.1364.160 and Firefox 20.0 on Ubuntu 10.04 and the result is the same.

It’s not the session id. It’s a token that is specific to the bookmarklet. Eventually I’ll let you change it.