Saved items missing

Wait a minute, I think I see a pattern. When you lose a story, can you post the NewsBlur URL of the site that it came from? The one that looks like

I donā€™t see any obvious way to pull up the NewsBlur URL for a story - all I see in the links is the original news story. I did save an article to my account as a test, the original feed URL isā€¦ - if you can kindly point me to where I can retrieve the NewsBlur URL for you, Iā€™ll post that here and let you know when it inevitably disappears.

Thanks for the attention and help!

Itā€™ll be the actual url in the address bar. Always takes me a minute to remember where it is!

Hereā€™s the NB url for XKCD:

Iā€™ll post more if/when I lost stories.

Another one disappeared this morning, even though I checked and saw it in Saved Stories:ā€¦

And an XKCD comic I saved (and verified) this morning is now gone.

Iā€™m having this problem with all saved items, using Chrome at work. I can see the saved items after refreshing my browser and even on my iPhone, but they disappear a few hours later. My username is gabedwrds and many of the items were fromā€¦

I also see the ā€œYou saved ā€¦ā€ in my activities, and clicking on any of those items leads to an empty saved stories page.

Of course, after actually complaining, recreating the issue isnā€™t as simple. I saved a few items earlier today and am watching to see what happens to them. I did lose a couple from this morning, though, before commenting here.

I made some changes, but the one is extremely difficult to track down. Let me know if it happens again, and please include the NewsBlur url (the url at the top of newsblur when youā€™re in the feed, not the original feed address).

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Seems to have worked for me. Thanks.