Runs out of story items when reading feeds and have to reload page to get more

Agree with Ruben, this is still happening. But that’s different for me, because it was gone for a few months and since the last days, it’s back again…

I’m seeing this in Chrome as well - pretty frustrating.

Seems to be about 12 stories, and then I have to reload. This is in Full Mode, Win8, Chrome 32, no extensions installed. There are no JS errors or failed AJAX requests in the console when it stops.

I do tend to go through stories pretty quickly, but it happens even when I purposely slow myself down.

Happy to help troubleshoot more if I can be of any help [DM @jtolj on Twitter]

This has been happening constantly on my Android Newsblur app lately too. Everything was fine for months!!

I realized I had accidentally switched to “Text” mode and am not seeing this in “Feed” mode, which I normally use.

So this does seem to be a problem only in Text mode on the web (which I don’t really care about that much).

Seeing the Android issue as well, but seems like you are working on all the issues with the new version.

This continues to be an issue in the android app, even after the most recent update that was supposed to fix this.

Happening on the Android app and in Windows using chrome. Very frustrating

Happens on the android app all of the time. With all of the bugs the android app has been having, I am really wondering why I pay to be a premium subscriber.

This is being addressed on the Android app as we speak. There is an open ticket and we’re looking into what’s causing it.

This is still happening on Windows using chrome.

It is not a huge deal but it has been happening for over a year and it is really annoying.

Are you still looking for more information on this bug? It really makes quickly scanning through my feeds difficult, especially on the Android app. I experience it both on Firefox (Windows 7) and the Android app. Specifically, it happens when I’m going through my Unread or Focus lists. Happy to provide more details.

FYI, this bug bothered me so much that I’ve now switched to another reader.

Same here. As good as NewsBlur is, it would interrupt me going through my feeds quickly.

I’m sad to hear you go. If anybody else has also left because of this bug pleae let me know.

It is my belief that this was fixed months ago, but it’s still happening. The problem is that I don’t have enough data to figure out what’s wrong. The best way to help me is to email a screenshot of the screen when this happens (including the full view so i can see if you’re reading by folder or by all stories and in unread or all).

By the way, to the two of you who recently left NewsBlur, were you marking stories as unread as you were reading?

It’s definitely still happening, and it makes NewsBlur *really* hard to use. I have a screenshot I just took from it occurring - where’s the best place to send it?

And yes, I mark stories unread as I go.

I would love to test it but my premium sub expired. It would happen to me on full River of News with unread items.

Email it to