Rules and automated tagging

@samuelclay I am a bit confused about the “Folder Titles” you mentioned.
Therefore, let me clarify, what I need.

I have two RSS feeds, that I am following with NewsBlur.
One from a German PC magazine (Heise Online News) and a German News Channel (Tagesschau).

In the Heise Online News I want to tag all articles, containing specific words (like “Leak”, “Vulnerability”, “CVSS”) in the title with the tag “Security”.
When there are any articles with this tag, then I will read them first (because they are very important".
This requires, that you also have a list of tags, so I see, that there are 3 news with the tag “Security”.
This is the action “Apply Tag” I described above.
There are multiple other examples for these rules.

The action “Mark as Read” in combination with “Apply Tag” is useful for the following:
I am not interested in some topics, like Sports.
Therefore, articles about Soccer, Football, Basketball, etc are not interesting for me.
With rules I can label them all with “Sports” and mark them as “Read”, so these articles are not appearing in the “Tagesschau” RSS channel.
But I have the possibility to view all news with the Tag “Sports” to see, if there is a news marked with this tag, that is interesting.

I know you have the Intelligence Trainer.
But here I do now have the opportunity to see all news, that are filtered out.

See also these topics:

The rules are not only useful to mark some articles as read.
They are very much needed to perform specific actions, like adding a tag, notifying the user and many more actions.