I’d love to see mockups, but know that tagging stories with folder titles doesn’t exactly fit with NewsBlur’s hierarchy. We have folders and feeds are already in those folders. What does tagging imply then?
@samuelclay I am a bit confused about the “Folder Titles” you mentioned.
Therefore, let me clarify, what I need.
I have two RSS feeds, that I am following with NewsBlur.
One from a German PC magazine (Heise Online News) and a German News Channel (Tagesschau).
In the Heise Online News I want to tag all articles, containing specific words (like “Leak”, “Vulnerability”, “CVSS”) in the title with the tag “Security”.
When there are any articles with this tag, then I will read them first (because they are very important".
This requires, that you also have a list of tags, so I see, that there are 3 news with the tag “Security”.
This is the action “Apply Tag” I described above.
There are multiple other examples for these rules.
The action “Mark as Read” in combination with “Apply Tag” is useful for the following:
I am not interested in some topics, like Sports.
Therefore, articles about Soccer, Football, Basketball, etc are not interesting for me.
With rules I can label them all with “Sports” and mark them as “Read”, so these articles are not appearing in the “Tagesschau” RSS channel.
But I have the possibility to view all news with the Tag “Sports” to see, if there is a news marked with this tag, that is interesting.
I know you have the Intelligence Trainer.
But here I do now have the opportunity to see all news, that are filtered out.
See also these topics:
The rules are not only useful to mark some articles as read.
They are very much needed to perform specific actions, like adding a tag, notifying the user and many more actions.
To illustrate, how the fitters could be implemented, I am posting some screen shots here of the application “Inoreader”.
I am currently using Inoreader, but it is simply too expensive for my usage (I am just watching 3 RSS channels, in future I will remove one of them).
From the “Pro” features of Inoreader I am just using the “Rules” (I have 8 rules, Pro users can create up to 30 rules).
I am also not using any other of the “Pro” features of “Inoreader”.
Here you see the side bar of the Innoreader, where all my RSS Feeds are shown:
When I click on a rule, it opens.
Here I see all conditions and can also run the rule and edit the rule.
I am posting two screen shots, this way you see the bottom of the rule (where you see the actions).
When I click in the sidebar on a tag (like “Apple”), I see all articles, that are marked with this tag.
When I click on the checkmark icon at the bottom right, then all shown articles are marked as “read”:
Please implement something similar.
It would extremely helpful to have rules, where I can define some key words and assign actions like “Mark as read”, “Move to folder”, “Assign Tag” or “Mark with Star”.
The rules save me a lot of time in Inoreader.
And my future plan is to use NewsBlur instead of Inoreader.
I saw that you currently have the following subscriptions:
Premium (for $36 per Year)
Premium Archive (for $99 per Year)
@samuelclay If I understood you correctly, then you want to add the following 3rd subscription option:
Premium Pro (for $360 per Year)
Sorry, but paying $360 per Year ($30 per Month) for just having rules is definitely too much.
Inoreader Pro (that has the Rules feature) costs 6,67 Euo per month, what is around 80 Euro per year (see Pricing | Inoreader).