None of my Feed are updating

Same issue here…

Slashdot seems to be updating.
Many of my feeds are updating, but not showing as having new items.

But here’s something interesting. When I adjust a feed to be “All” instead of “Newest”, if the feed hasn’t been updated in a while, it shows no items. It’s not until I change the sort to be “Newest first” do I see any items. Turning the sort back to “Oldest” shows no items again.

I am having a nice and quiet morning this side of the Atlantic :slight_smile:


Same here. No updates for 10+ hours.

My feeds not updating either

Same here. No updates for 10+ hours.

Yep, the engine seems to be down - both browser and iPad apps are dead…

Same. No updates for hours.

No updates here either…

Mine haven’t been updating since about 4pm EDT on Wednesday.

Same issue … no feeds updating.

Mine are down as well. I weep! Alas, our terrible fate. Support, pray fix our woe!

Also having the same issue.

I think we should stop spamming here as it’s obvious that problem is global and just patiently wait for Samuel to fix it.

Yep! If only Sam give us a feedback about it…

Newsblur is still allowing you to download the OPML file, so I just signed up for Feedly. Blech! Samuel, please fix this, Feedly looks like it was designed by children.

The odd thing is that it’s not totally dead. Occasionally, when clicking around on All Site Stories and All vs. Only Unread and other settings, a feed or two will suddenly show a few unread items. After viewing them, the whole thing goes silent again. Peculiar behavior.

It does seem to be operating on some level. I can manually select a feed from the “All Feeds” list and it will show unread items sometimes, other times only after an “Insta-fetch” but even after downloading the unread items the unread count doesn’t update. BUT, if I then close the browser and restart, the unread counts seem to update and are correct in the browser and in the Android App. Beyond weird.

it’s still before 6am Pacific Time