Flat & Clean GUI style

OMG - I love this theme, wouldn’t even look back now.
Thank you for all the hard work up to this point and into the future!

The only quibble I have, and it is only a quibble, is the distinction between read/unread articles. Hopefully I can verbalize it correctly. In the standard theme, as soon as I click on a story in the story list, the text turns to grey and stays grey whether that is the highlighted story or not. In your style, the text for read stories is grey, but if I click on the story, so that it is highlighted in yellow, the text switches from grey to the black text used on an unread article.

Long story short (probably too late for that) in the std style as soon as i click on a story, it is clear that it is marked read, with the flat style, the change is not as distinct, and changes depending on whether the story is highlighted or not.

As I said, just a quibble, and there may be a good reason for the difference, just thought I’d mention it.

@geoffwood you are right, I updated the theme.



  • changed the selected article look

Wow, Thank you!!!

wzol, if I change the markup and you change the style, do users get notified that you’ve updated the style or do they need to manually check?

That would probably depend on whatever addon one use to apply the style. I know Stylish for Firefox can auto update styles, as long as the user doesn’t do any tweaks of their own to it anyway.

As I know they don’t need to manual check, Stylish - as Hampus said - auto updates the changes. That said, I’ve seen before a case, that my changed style wasn’t auto updated on an another computer, I had to do it manually - no idea why.

500 installs! I’m glad you like it! :slight_smile:

600 installs! I hope everyone likes it. :wink:

Would you permit me to take this user style as a base for a feedly-like style?

Yes, of course, but please mention the original author in the style - who made this style before I started to work on it.

Just to add to this, if you fork it and the fork gets popular, I’ll add native support so users can just select from the theme garden.


Native support for custom user CSS would be great. The authors could maintain it, more users could use it (more easily), and you Samuel, won’t need to test it or work on it.

Great, thank you. :slight_smile:

Just passed 900 installs! Thanks everyone, I’m really glad that you like it! :slight_smile:


Hopefully this will be a sign of times. The official UI could need some more flatness. :smiley:

Yess, 1000 installs! Thank you all, and I’m glad that you like it so much :slight_smile:

So 1000 installs says something about maybe a theme ability? I would just have a custom css feature and offer the base newsblur css as a base to customise. Just in case it creates support issues, people saying newsblur is broke, have a toggle to switch back to default so they can check if it’s the css messing site up?


So what would that custom CSS feature be? A textbox where users can enter their own CSS? Who would that help? Besides working in mobile browsers there is nothing such a feature would do better than browser addons already do. A big potential issue is that a user could paste in some bad css that ends up hiding the button that would disable the custom css. That can’t happen using an addon.

What we need is selectable themes just like Samuel hinted at doing if this became popular. Feature select themes from the community (allowing the select few to quickly be checked to not break with a site updated) and an official dark theme which it’s really about time we get on the web.

I read before on another topic that you considering adding a user CSS field. What if you won’t implement complete themes, just saved user styles. That way the author can still continue to work on it, other users can use it as a base, the requested dark theme can be born, for average users it would be clear that they are user created themes, and you don’t have to deal with them.

Also if you make some major change on the site, the original author, or someone else can update them. If there is a bug, someone can fix it. Imagine it as open sourced themes - you just give an easy, one click platform for using them.

Edit: just for the record, this theme made me consider going to premium.