Worst alternative to G Reader yet

Head over to https://dev.newsblur.com. You’ll find it’s running better.

It’s getting there. I’m scaling, which means faster and more reliable updates, closing the gap on error rates (which is why marking stories as read fails occasionally), and fixing importing speeds (which is also why it fails – it takes too long and then times out).


OP is fortunate that people on this forum are polite :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile: That was some rude post, made worse by the fact that he’s uninformed.

It isn’t easy to scale an operation up suddenly. If you’re so upset, go ahead and try some of the other alternatives. You’ll soon find NewsBlur’s performance is among the best of those affected by the Reader exodus.

And, oh, Feedly is still using Reader. They’re currently cloning the Reader API and will shift once Reader shuts down. That gives them 3 months to scale up and load test.

Great job Samuel, keep going. :slight_smile:


Hey Samuel,

I’m new, I paid, and I’m more than happy to wait while you get this straightened out. When NewsBlur works, it’s fantastic - exactly what I wanted in a newsreader, including some things I didn’t know I wanted.

I only liked Google Reader for the android app, anyway. NewsBlur is great on web AND android (at least, the android app shows promise for when things stabilize).

Tale of my GReader escape


I kicked in my $24 today. Obviously things will take some time to settle down. I can’t really use Newsblur at this point; I am seeing the same problems as you, and am having to stick with Google Reader (and Press on Android) for now. I paid to support the dev and for the promise of the (hopefully near) future when I’ll be able to move to a properly functioning Newsblur. I’m OK with being a bit patient.