Wondering whether this product is still alive or active

Given that there has been no communication from the company for around a year, I worry about adopting it and having it disappear from under me. Paid user.

How on earth did you come to that conclusion? Not only am I active on this forum (as of a few hours ago even today), but I am still shipping updates to the app. I have a huge new feature coming soon called Discover Sites that’s in testing right now. The iOS app and Android apps are seeing regular updates and new features.

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Sorry, no offense! Glad to hear it. I saw the last major update 10 months ago, and jumped to a conclusion.

Ohh, you mean the blog? Honestly, I could do a better job with posting to the blog, since there’s so many little features on all three (and soon to be four, with the mac app a week away from launching). I’ll try to better document when we have launches.


I think he means the What’s new section on the dashboard. I know you’re active and the apps are getting updates, but the thought has struck me that the What’s new section almost makes things look abandoned. The last entry is from december and the two before that are from 2022.

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Good point. Well the Mac app was just approved yesterday, so I’ll try to blog that today or this weekend.