Will I lose my trained filter settings when premium subscription runs out?

Will I lose my trained filter settings when premium subscription runs out?
I would like to be able to reactivate it later and have my filter settings back.
Is this possible or will they be deleted when premium runs out?

I see… I can train Newsblur in the free version, but does it filter out the storys I dislike in the free version?
Can I use those filters in an app like “Reeder 5” as well if I sync my account?

Yep, those training filters work in third-party clients like Reeder. But Reeder will only hide them while you can click on a “Show Hidden Stories” button on the web to see what you filtered.

When you upgrade or downgrade, no data is deleted. Intelligence filters are part of a free newsblur account, so you’ll still have access to all of the filters you setup.