When does the new design at dev.newsblur.com go live? It seems just as stable as the current site. I like the new design much better.

Please not any time soonā€¦:slight_smile: I say this because while my experience with newsblur.com has been great (stable, fast), the same cannot be said of dev.newsblur.com. Selecting all site stories often leads to the dreaded ā€œoh noā€¦ā€ error message (especially when there are many -thousands- unread stories), unread counts are off, sharing is often slow. Why move away from something that works so well?

I have gone ahead and set up a 2nd NewsBlur account (thatā€™s more revenue for you!) and divided all my feeds between the two accounts. I canā€™t prove it, but I figured that my issues were probably somehow related to the very large number of feeds I had. With that total now essentially halved in each account, things ā€œappearā€ to be doing much better.

Good luck with the launch!

Nice. Iā€™m excited. Thanks for all the hard work.

how many feeds, RC? I use ~400 and am okay.

also, Iā€™m assuming ā€˜devā€™ is on less hardware than the production cluster- smaller DB, single machine instead of a pool, etc.

Dev runs on the same backend. The front-end is tiny compared to www, but the only difference is lag between clicking a feed and having it open.

welp, thatā€™s what I get for assuming.

Tedder42, about 2 1/2 times that :slight_smile: Much better now, though.

Rc, thereā€™s somethings wrong with your setup, because thatā€™s not the experience most folks have on dev.

Anyway, itā€™ll be launching next week. I just setup press and have the final touches rolling out soon. Thereā€™s a ton to coordinate.