what-if.xkcd.com not updating

The latest update for what-if.xkcd.com happened yesterday, but it still isn’t showing up in my feed for that site.

I’m using http://what-if.xkcd.com/feed.atom as the feed URL.


Fixed. Sorry about that. Looks like something went wrong with the story de-duper and the Drain the Oceans story.

It’s now showing up, but the title is wrong. It also appears that last week’s entry has vanished.

This is still broken for me, as well. The most recent story “Random Sneeze Call” doesn’t show up. “Drain the Oceans: Part II” shows up as the newest story, but with the date of “Random Sneeze Call”. There is nothing shown in the proper date-slot for “Drain the Oceans: Part II”

There is something broken with the feed. I just fixed it and it seems it’s broken again. Something fishy is going on here.

The feed does not validate, but aside from that, the links provided are broken; the most recent story for example is given as http://what-if.xkcd.com//what-if.xkcd… - which generates a 404 error (the what-if.xkcd.com duplication is in error).

The validation errors seem pretty minor, at least to my eyes. If NewsBlur can’t deal with a date-format error, it’s going to have a lot of issues. Same goes for an invalid URL…

As of a few minutes ago, “Drain the Oceans: Part II” was no longer showing in the feed at all. It goes from “Drain the Oceans” to “Random Sneeze Call” (last week’s post) and this week’s post is completely gone.

Still not updating, Restraining an Airplane hasn’t shown up at all.

The main issue is that the story IDs are not unique.

There is a thread here http://forums.xkcd.com/viewtopic.php?..

Appears to be fixed http://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cg…

Apologies for duplicate comments, just updating duplicate topics.