Web Client not using media:thumbnail

I have just started using Newsblur after Feedly annoyed me one too many times…

I note that images do not show for feeds which insert their images into the <item><media:thumbnail> tag.

I see that Newsblur extracts out images from the description itself (if any) but not the dedicated fields for images?? Unfortunately most feeds use one or the other - not both.

Example item

<![CDATA[ Yada ]]>
&lt;img src=&quot;https://this.image.is.found.jpg /&gt;
<![CDATA[ blah blah blah ]]>
<guid isPermaLink="false">https://www.google.com</guid>
<pubDate>Wed, 28 Aug 2024 23:01:46 GMT</pubDate>
<media:thumbnail width="240" height="134" url="https://this.image.is.not.found.png"/>

That’s interesting, I haven’t seen this before. Can you give me an example RSS feed url that shows this behavior? I’d love to see it.

Seems to be quite a few of mine - here’s an example

BBC Technology Feed

I believe it is part of the RSS Media spec. Media RSS Specification (Current)

That example feed includes the namespace in their declaration.
