Web client: Collapse folder icon shows "+" instead of "-"

The collapse folder icon for a newly opened web client shows “+” instead of “-”.

It eventually changes to “-” after collapse/expand.

Expectation: the collapse folder icon should display “-” for expanded folders.

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Woah, I’m not seeing that. What browser are you using?

I’m experiencing this on both Mozilla FIrefox 47.0 and Chromium 51.0.2704.79.

On Chromium I even cleaned all the cookies for the newsblur.com domain, but with no change.

I forgot to mention that this happens when you open newsblur.com and you have folders left expanded from a previous session.

So, to reproduce, here’s a series of steps:

  1. open newsblur.com
  2. expand a folder
  3. close the web browser
  4. reopen the web browser and go to newsblur.com. The folder left expanded shows the “+” icon instead of “-”.