Very Happy with NewsBlur

Just a comment to say that I’m extremely pleased with NewsBlur as my RSS platform. As a former Google Reader user, I tried virtually every one of the replacement products and found every one of them lacking either in form or function (obviously my own impressions, others may disagree). NewsBlur has been fantastic. The sync works great between all of my devices (home Mac, Mac Air, iPhone and iPad), presentation appears logical, easily readable, and the site has been up and running virtually flawlessly (to me). Nice job Samuel, really well done, and thanks.


Couldn’t have said it better myself, Ike.

Same experience here


Thanks! I work hard to get sync right, esp. with the new iOS app that has full offline support. It’s a tricky business.

I’m also very happy with it.

Ditto - really like it

Absolutely. Even Google was never as good or innovative as NewsBlur.

I like it a lot and even Tomsguide calls it an “Excellent mobile reader”.…

Very good ! :wink: