Unread feed jumped from 150 to 486 to include read items from last 5 days

This morning I opened newsblur app and there were 150 unread stories. For about half an hour I worked through them, reading some and linking through to the Web sites of some.

Then I returned to the summary page for newsblur and it synced to show 486 unread. Today is 31 December and suddenly feeds I’d read dating back to 26th are showing as unread.

Newsblur 4.0.2, Android 4.4.4


Just installed to a new galaxy tab s, and it’s worse. . It started off showing 286 items, which i went through in batches, marking the previous as read. However, as i was reading subsequent headers, the stories in front of me would jump, and if i scrolled back up, many of those which i had just married read had reappeared! Please get this sorted. Troff to read in the Web interface is just not as convenient or easy.