Unable to view comment replies

So I’ve hit this a couple times and I can’t figure out the intended UX.

I make a comment on a shared item. Later someone replies. Cool. I see the little badge and click, see “So-and-so has replied to your post” but when I click it, it opens up an empty/blank feed.

At first I assumed this was because I have things set to “Unread only”, but even changing that doesn’t make take me to the comment when I click on it.

I don’t know if this is intended to work this way, but clicking on comments and comment replies should definitely bring that shared item and comment chain into view, regardless of settings.

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@samuelclay I’ve been hitting this a lot recently - there are no errors in my browser logs but I see this fairly regularly where I get the reply email notification but it doesn’t show up in either my blurblog or in the webapp when I click on the notifications panel (it’ll load the story in the feed but no comments are displayed).

I think this could be explained by not having left a comment originally when sharing it from the iOS app.

That does appear to have been the problem: I updated my share to have a comment and it instantly displayed the replies other people had left.

So you can’t see comment replies on iOS only? It shows up on the web for a comment-less share?