This feed - by using ‘show all’ and ‘newest first’ - stops parsing at item 100 from back in 2017, when there have been 423 entries.
Using the W3C validator it is not “clean” - there are a few issues - but none of them seem to be around the 100th item:
Looks like those 423 stories are in the feed and the feed is sorted date ascending, which means NewsBlur is only picking up the first 100 stories. It would be nice I think if NewsBlur were to sort those stories first and pick up the latest 100 stories, but the truth is is that feed needs to be trimmed.
Ok, I’ve made that change (here: Discover Feeds by samuelclay · Pull Request #1832 · samuelclay/NewsBlur · GitHub) and the feed now fetches the latest 100 stories. You should now be good. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
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And like magic, the last four just showed up. Thank you!