Significant Delay for updates or no updates for some feeds

Yes, the URL I posted earlier (…) is updated daily, checked last night and again just now.

When subscribing to the URL you show it only pulls one item dated 09 April 2013.
I tried the XML subscription option shown on the page but could not get other items.
I tried it in Thunderbird and it worked but pulled only one item dated yesterday.

In the case of that feed, the items are missing GUID’s so NewsBlur is having to (I assume) fallback to the link, which is the same for every item.

So the feed is broken, it’s not publishing new articles it’s constantly updating a single article.

Ah, interesting. I’ve mentioned to the site, linked to this page as well so they can see what’s up. Thanks!

Stellar detective work, David. As you can imagine, it’s rarely NewsBlur’s fault when something like this happens. And I don’t have the time to investigate every single broken feed, especially considering it’s the publisher’s fault.

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I fight with the RSS feed here for some time…
RSS is a regularly updated, but in my account no new messages
I tried deleting and adding the feed but it does not change anything,
newblur in the settings page shows me the page is updated

The scaling that I need to do to the backend is about a week away from shipping. It’s a very involved process that requires me to do a lot of prep work and testing. Once that’s in place, I will crank up the feed fetching schedule to what it once was, which is every feed held by a premium user is updated at the minimum of once an hour. Popular feeds more often, and if the feed has published less than an average of 1 story over the past month, then it gets updated just a few times a day.

But right now I have had to turn feed fetching speed down. I turn it up every day, and you can monitor my progress by watching the Feeds Fetched number on the dashboard go up. It’s at 1MM now, but I expect it to touch up to 5MM a day.