Currently you have to choose either “all stories” or “unread only”. I would like it to show me unread only while there are unread stories, but all stories if they’ve all been read. Showing an empty screen when they’ve all been read doesn’t do anything for me, and I occasionally want to get back to a story I just read without having to switch to “all stories”.
You know, I love this idea, I just worry that it’ll confuse folks who think there are stories when there really aren’t.
A notification at the top would help, but that adds complexity.
Yeah, that’s a fair point. I think as long as they were still grayed out like read stories usually are, it would be fine.
If it is a concern though, I think it would probably work to have a message that says “No unread stories! Here are the ones you’ve already read:”.
Alternatively, it could be a third option after “all stories” and “unread only”, but it’s hard to describe succinctly, so it would definitely increase configuration complexity.
Final idea, it could be stuffed away in the Preferences menu (the software engineer’s solution to every UX problem :P)
Yeah, I think the notification would work fine. Automatically showing read stories when on Unread Only and there’s nothing to show.