It seems like the share button, on the lower right part of the browser, doesn’t share the correct URL.
To reproduce the situation: tap on an article and click on a link that is in the article. The in app browser opens with a share button on the lower right side, this button shares the original article URL, not the URL of the page that is currently displayed in the browser.
Bug or feature?
Thanks for your great work on this app!
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This is getting fixed! Hoo boy is it ever. You’ll love the new version. Sharing is completely rewritten. Expect to see it in the next few weeks. It’s a huuuge update.
OK, it’s not exactly bug free, but this is the new version. Hit this url on your iOS devices: http://dev.newsblur.com/ios/download. It’s an enormous improvement for the iPad.
And if anybody else is reading this and wants to play with the upcoming version 4.0 of the iOS app, now’s your chance. It works great, but there may be a couple bugs left. I also am still working on wiring up the new All Stories list in the dashboard on the iPad.
Wow this is brilliant!
I’ve only tried it on the iPhone, but will install it on my iPad tonight.
A few things about the sharing panel (the only thing I tried in my 1 minute test run )
- The bug I mentioned in this ticket is fixed
- The 1Password integration in the sharing-> Accounts part is great!
- The sharing to Pinboard could prompt for tags
- No support for Tweetbot
- No support for Drafts
Have you thought of adding a customizable services feature, like the one in Mr Reader? I guess that it’s probably a massive amount of work but having such services, and synchronizing them from the iPhone to the iPad would be an awesome feature!
It would probably fit what I guess is the audience of your site (tech savvy people).
In case you can’t add the services feature, please add the Drafts integration… because it basically allows people to build their own services menu outside of the app…
Thanks so much!