Search on www shows older stories, is fine

Hi all, I use Newsblur Premium for 3+ years, and suddenly, both on the web (Win 10 chrome + mozilla) and app (android) i choose ALL SITE STORIES → Search → Keyword → Shows only old data from a week ago and doesn’t even update. I am sure it is issue from Newsblur side and I really ask for help from the creator/support.

Agreed. I have the same problem and I found that the searching function is only working at Some kind of updates should be done ASAP.

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Thanks, I’ll try, but I also hope devs will solve this soon because this is the main tool I think for most of us. Cheers.

Thanks for reporting this. It’s likely from the upcoming move to the redesign which includes a backend infrastructure update. I’ll get this fixed tomorrow when I’m back in the office.

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By the way, an immediate fix is easy, just use It’s the redesign and will be deployed on www within a month. It’s faster and has some nice changes.

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That was fast, highly appreciate the support.