Read count not working properly on Chrome

When I open NewsBlur on the web and read through all stories, the unread count still reads as at least one even though I have scrolled through each story, and the story itself in the reader pane is no longer bolded, indicating it has indeed been read. When I open the individual folder containing the remaining read count number, there isn’t actually an unread story remaining, and I need to refresh the page to make the unread count number properly reflect zero. This problem does not happen on iOS FWIW. Any thoughts/ideas on this?

Here is a video of it. I scroll through all of the unreads and there is still a remaining unread count, even though I have gone through them all. It shows 1 remaining in the sports folder, but going to the sports folder manually doesn’t show any unread stories

@samuelclay curious to get your thoughts on this one

I wish the video showed the full screen because I want to see if you’re in Oldest First and Unread Only mode. I assume so, because there is a known bug in Oldest First that it can sometimes skip stories. If you hit ‘r’ to reload that feed, does the one story show up? And where in that list would it have shown up, at the top or the bottom?

I am indeed on oldest+unread. I just tried this and there was 1 remaining unread count. I went to the folder with the 1 remaining, and reloading the feed does not bring up a story