Questions , feedback and suggestions

Hi ,

I recently got Newsblur premium and it’s great especially the long awaited grid view for ios , here is some of my initial feedback

1- can we get notifications per folder , the main reason i use folders is to organize my feeds into how important they are , and i would like to get notifications for all feeds in a folder instead of having to add one by one

2- can we get instafetch per folder or globally ? and i’m not sure what pulling down in the android app does because it’s not instafetching

3- many of the apps and extensions in goodies and mobile apps section are either outdated or dead projects , the first party apps work great though and i wish you can add an official browser extention because the unofficial one is not working

4-is there a way to boost interval of feed polling ? , from what i understand you use a custom formula depending on how popular and active the feed is , but what is stopping you from making it for example 10 minutes for all feeds ? , from the feed owner perspective they wont like everybody doing that but you have one server polling for thousands of users so it’s a win win for everybody right ?

5- can you add 2fa to newsblur like you did with the forum ?

6-thank you for implementing Pubsubhubbub for youtube feeds , is there a way to auto detect it for other feeds ? i see many feeds that support it like mastodon feeds for example yet it’s not being used

7- how can you check feed statistics on the android app ?

8-minor issue : you have to have an account in newsblur in order to login to the mobile apps and then you can change to your custom domain , hope you can just have it as advanced options at the start

9-feed statistics seems to be missing from the android app

Notifications aren’t free so I limit them to having to be manually setup per-feed. If I ever introduced a NewsBlur Premium Pro tier, I’ll include notifications and training by folder.

Instafetch is really only a debugging tool, useful for somebody who publishes their own blog and wants to make sure it’s being fetched. Or if a feed is misbehaving. If you want a feed to publish more frequently, going premium is the way to do it. If the feed publishes at least once a day, it’ll be fetched every few minutes.

Goodies is dated, that’s for sure. I don’t see a need for an official browser extension. There is the bookmarklet, which does the job of sharing and saving stories from outside NewsBlur. That could be a browser extension, of course, but the functionality is all there already.

Boosting feed polling shouldn’t be necessary. Go to Statistics for a feed and see the frequency. Happy to discuss individual sites.

2FA auth isn’t on the roadmap yet. I don’t see a need for it.

We do support PuSH for all feeds and have for years. Opening Statistics will show you whether a feed is published in real-time.

The Android app has had Statistics for years now! Android: Statistics dialog · Issue #1239 · samuelclay/NewsBlur · GitHub

Agreed on the custom domain needing a login, but I’m OK with that tradeoff.