Pull the content from Hacker News posts (similar to how Feedbin does), instead of just a headline and "comments" link

There are a lot of Hacker News posts that get populated in NewsBlur, and according to NewsBlur, it has 4,789 NewsBlur subscribers in NewsBlur alone. Yet all that gets parsed is the Headline and a link for Comments.

No content ever comes through. I compared other feed readers, and this isn’t atypical, however it is a pain in the arse. I found that Feedbin parses the entirety of the Hacker News post. I believe it goes one step further and resolves the content at the other end of the link, although I’m unsure of that…

It would be really nice to have this.

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So the Text view does a great job of this. You can also subscribe to a full text hacker news feed, such as Hacker News 50: http://www.newsblur.com/site/3323431/…

Excellent, that is exactly what I was after, and with the per-feed Default view, this will work most awesomely. I’m going to try both of those out and see which one wins out. Thanks Sam.

Or you can run Hacker news rss feed through your favorite full text rss service.

I didn’t know such a thing existed, Mike, but I googled it and found http://fulltextrssfeed.com. Got that to output a full feed and I think I like it better than the per-feed Text view.

I’m glad you found it! I use it whenever I need to get a full text rss feed. Enjoy!