Hi, I’m having a problem with this feed: http://ottawamommyclub.ca/feed/
The feed imports into Old Reader fine. Anyone have any suggestions?
So I looked into it and wouldn’t you know it but they are explicitly banning NewsBlur. If I change the User-Agent from “NewsBlur Feed Fetcher” to “NewsBlur Feed Fetche” it works just fine. Not much I can do when the publisher doesn’t want it running. You should definitely contact them.
Thanks for looking in to this Samuel. I’ve contacted them, I’ll post back here if I get a response back from the site.
Damn, that’s just rude of them.
Hi Samuel,
Here’s the reply from the website owner. It seems that whatever they are doing is inadvertent and they aren’t sure how to fix it. Is there any advice or a specific change they can make to ensure it will work?
Thank you for your interest in the Ottawa Mommy Club.
I don’t know how come. Can you give me a link to where you are trying to subscribe? I think it’s where my feeds are coming from ie provider. I didn’t choose whom should or should not have access to it. Maybe your friends at Newsblur could help me out.
Many thanks.
Ottawa Mommy Club - Moms & Kids Online Magazine