Pressing text button to see story in text view sometimes doesn't work

When pressing text to see story in text view, item text is replaced by a totally different news entry’s text instead of the text view of the current news entry. This doesn’t happen everyntime, this may work fine repeatedly, but all to often this error happens.

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I should say that this is using my iPad app.

The Text view isn’t perfect, as it’s trying to extract the original text from the story’s website.

Yes, I have seen that text view isn’t perfect as it isn’t always successful in extraxting from the website the text that is significant to the story, and only that text. This makes the Text view not so usable.

The problem I describe, however, isn’t about that. In the case I describe the app doesn’t even try to obtain the story from the website and it’s certainly not trying to decipher it. In my case the only thing that happens is that the text below the headline is changed and the text that replaces the one belonging to the current news item is a text picked from an entirely different news item.