Samuel - thanks for the reply.
Ideally, there would be a very comprehensive search function which would allow the following parameters to be set (singly or in combination):
- Date range - a full month would be great, but at least a week (or a single date)
- Source feed - a single feed or multiple feeds
- Subject line keyword - with And, Or, Not qualifiers
- Article body keyword - with And, Or, Not qualifiers (probably not realistic)
- Read/Unread status selection
- (probably some other parameters that I can’t think of right now?)
The search results would display the date(s), feed name(s), Read/Unread status and the article subject line(s) in a pane of the interface - just like some email clients. The subject lines would be clickable and take you to the article’s body text - again, just like some email clients.
To set the date range it would have Start and End date boxes that you could either type directly into, or use those little pop up calendars that you’ve probably seen somewhere online.
For a Premium Archive subscription, the search functionality would work for posts over 30 days old.