Performance "web" app

Being a webdeveloper myself I know it is not easy but please do something about the performance of the website! it is almost a pain to use; I am unfortunate to have a workstation at work with only 4gb of ram but still - sometimes the app uses well over 1gb of ram processing a single feed! causing chrome to hang and crash
(don’t stare blindly at those specs though even on my laptop at home (16gb+ssd) the app is a pain to use)

even without that feed (think ventureboat/mashable) the app is just way to slow: imho there is to much javascript going on doing the processing.

love the ideas but the app clearly needs more tuning and less -waaaay less- bloath

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I’m subscribed to 700+ feeds, and never experience anything like the issue you describe; the webapp is like butter.

If you know that a particular feed is causing the problem, why not give its URL?

True, I should have included the feeds!
In my defence: I was at work so time was a bit limited. :wink:

anyway I still think news blur is the best option out there!
so here goes:


hmm maybe its a feed burner thing?
or even a “chrome on windows on a slower pc” thing.
or maybe I flipped on a switch causing the slow performance?

yesterday I had also a bug where the counter showed me “1 unread item” and when I clicked “show next unread” he didn’t find it (there didn’t seem to be one, so it felt and looked like a never ending loop - with ram buildup to the max) but that was just once

there is also a bug (a unending loop causing browser crash) when you have a feed selected - one that contains *no* focus messages and then you select [focus] in the left menu bar.

I just clicked on “the next web” feed again: cpu is heating up, fans are blowing and the feed burner tab is currently using 956 megs of ram (resident) 1,8 (virtually) this is currently chrome on osx. and that feed has currently maybe 10 messages. 2 unread.

I’m using the “feed” “split” view.