Original view for Girls With Slingshots takes over page

When reading Girls With Slingshots (http://feeds.feedburner.com/Girls_Wit… ), Original view works strangely. When I switch to Original view, or when I select the Girls With Slingshots entry and it was previously in Original view, I get a strange version of the original page, lacking formatting (CSS?). More problematic: it takes over the entire page. The URL in my location bar looks like it’s the cached location for the page (https://www.newsblur.com/reader/page/… ) I’m pretty sure this used to work, but can’t be sure. My wild guess: some sort of frame buster javascript on the original page is firing.

I can reproduce by going to https://www.newsblur.com/site/355797/… while not logged in at all.

If it matters: Firefox 24.2.0 on Linux. “Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0”

(To anyone else running into this and needing a workaround: reload NewsBlur, then either right click on the feed or select the down arrow to the left of the feed name. Then select “Site Settings”. There you can change the reading view to something else.)

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The same thing has started to happen with Whomp! and I researched it when it first happened before the holidays - the cause for Whomp! is a piece of framebuster Javascript in the Whomp! page that causes it to take over if you try to load it inside something else (e.g. inside the Newsblur frames). That’s not something Newsblur can fix so you may need to contact the owner of GWS.

(Both Whomp and GWS are Hiveworks comics so I’m betting it’s something Hiveworks does, or recommends.)

I think NewsBlur is caching the pages, so it’s possible to potentially disable the framebuster by modifying the HTML. Most framebusters are pretty similar, so a simple pattern or two might catch most cases. Wikipedia claims it’s possible for the framing page to block the framebuster https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frameki… It looks like Hiveworks’s framebuster is pretty simple and would fall for that technique.