For example, with Patreon’s notification emails the sending adress is always the same but the name of the sender is adjusted to be the creator the notification is about like “Noclip (via Patreon)”. So if newsletter feeds were (optionally) split up by the sender name that would facilitate one feed per creator for sites like Patreon which would be incredibly useful.
saw the title of this and immediately thought “oh, this must be about Patreon”. The patreon newsletter newsletter feed gets confusing, it’ll say post A is from creator B.
So instead of a unified feed of Patreon newsletters, you want individual feeds with the ability to put them together in a river of news folder. I get it, that’s what NewsBlur does best.
We’d have to make that change and I bet that the majority of feeds won’t benefit from this change because we actually do want them to aggregate into a single feed. So it would have to be a preference on the feed, which is reasonably easy to do as it’s a normal feed model. I can add a setting, but for newsletter feeds only. And then check that preference when receiving the newsletter.
One question I have is if the different names all represent the same feed, then we’ll have to branch them, which is supported but not for this use case. Branched feeds replace their original. So maybe a new feed class just for this feature? But that seems overkill.
Not sure how to best implement this, so I’m afraid it needs to be prioritized and thought about if we want to get it done.
Exactly, split it out to individual feeds. Much like how for Youtube I subscribe to the feeds for channels rather than the feed for my subscriptions (not sure Youtube has a feed for that).
Having everyone in one feed makes it a bit messy, and I only have 4 subscriptions on Patreon.
A setting was my though as well since it won’t be wanted for all newsletter (though most newsletter probably don’t change the name of the sender a lot). I can understand how it may be tricky given how a newsletter feed doesn’t exist until a mail has been received.
Maybe instead of replacing the current feed, setting the split option will create feeds based on sender name from that point forward, leaving the original feed as it is. If turned off the split feeds would remain but new items go in the original feed again.
it’s annoying there’s no elegant way to do this. that’s not Newsblur’s fault.
I mean who knows where fault lies, but I should be able to come up with some UI for this, but it’s super tricky to get right and has little benefit for most users, so it’s also hard to prioritize.
There are at least three news publications with newsletters that I subscribe to where this would be hugely useful. With the current system, I have a bunch of feeds that are in the wrong folder because different newsletters from the publication belong in different places. I deal with it as an annoyance, but it would be great to be able to get it fixed.