NSW Health RSS feed not rendering

As of the last few weeks, the NSW Health RSS feed is no longer displaying.

Looking at site settings, it’s showing “OK”
2020-08-25 10:26:29 OK (200)
2020-08-25 10:10:37 OK (200)
2020-08-25 09:54:24 OK (200)
2020-08-25 09:38:22 OK (200)
2020-08-25 09:22:22 OK (200)

https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/_layouts/feed.aspx?xsl=1&web=/news&page=4ac47e14-04a9-4016-b501-65a23280e841&wp=baabf81e-a904-44f1-8d59-5f6d56519965&pageurl=/news/Pages/rss-nsw-health.aspx (which is an awful URL) via https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/pages/rss.aspx

Since this is how NSW Health releases COVID news, it’d be great to have this working again

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