NewsBlur isn’t auto-updating the TechPowerUp feed. The feed URL is below…
I don’t know what to be about it but I believe the publisher should be able to change something on their end. I emailed them:
Hi, I run NewsBlur, an RSS news reader, and one of my users let me know that your RSS feed is giving us a 403 Forbidden when we fetch it. It’s likely you’re using CloudFlare, and I believe that there might be something you can do to enable Verified Bots. I’ve contacted a few other sites about this and have not heard back, so it would be wonderful if you could help me out and look into why NewsBlur’s feed fetchers are being blocked. You would not only help your readers read your site, but you would help other people read other sites, and that would be a HUGE help!
Here is a list of IPs that we use to fetch feeds:
I believe there might be a setting in your CloudFlare setup, maybe something around Verified Bots or Automated Services. I don’t know since I don’t run a publishing website, but I would be grateful if you could poke around in there and get back to me. Thanks so much!
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Thanks for the heads up. This should be fixed now. /rss/* has been excluded from the bot detection
Samuel, can you confirm that this is fixed?
Is there still an issue with TechPowerUp? Both RSS feeds seem to be parsed fine by Newsblur, however there hasn’t been any new content visible since December 14th. If you manually check the RSS feeds, everything seems fine on TechPowerUp’s side (they’re up to date), so I’m not sure where the issue lies.
Right click on the feed title and open Statistics, then scroll to the bottom. That will show you what’s going on with the feed.
The feed fetches fine, but the original page doesn’t. I thought the feed was enough to get updates, is that not the case?
Seems the stories are coming in for me: NewsBlur
Any chance you’re subscribed to a different feed or have a bunch of hidden stories? Try right-clicking the feed title and opening the trainer.
This morning it seems the feed indeed managed to get updated, I now have a lot of new stories.
But I don’t think the issue is solved, as the latest new stories don’t appear, even though the feed was successfully fetched since (at this time, 5 stories are up on the RSS feed but not on Newsblur).
However, it appears that the page fetch actually succeeded a few times in the last 12 hours, so maybe that’s what “unstuck” the feed?
Edit (I can’t post more than 3 messages):
It seems the issue could indeed be related to the page fetch: one was just successful, and the feed got refreshed on my side