NewsBlur fails to fetch feeds using NewsKit for Mac

I’m a new premium NewsBlur customer, as of a few days ago, and I installed the NewsKit app for Mac and setup my NewsBlur account. The NewsKit refresh to the NewsBlur API service returns: “NewsBlur failed to fetch feeds. You’re authenticated, but access denined due to lack of permission or rate limiting.”

Is there a problem with NewsKit using the NewsBlur API service, or is there something I need to do to the settings of my premium account to enable NewsKit to work properly with NewsBlur, or other?


I’m not sure. You’ll have to contact the ReadKit developer to see why it isn’t working. Rate limiting happens if you try to refresh your feed list more than 10 times in 60 seconds.

Hi Sam. Here’s the response from NewsKit:

Hey Ken, thank you very much for your bug report. We’re aware of this issue and working on a resolution.

We apologize for the inconvenience and ask for your understanding!

Balazs Varkonyi (Webin)

Hurray! Thanks for letting me know.

lame, i just spent $5 on readkit, only to find out it doesn’t work

I just received this from the developer of NewsKit…

The update has been submitted to the Mac App Store and I’m waiting for the approval. Hopefully it will be happen within a few days.

didn’t fix the problem though

With the latest update of ReadKit in the Mac app store, NewsBlur now syncs with NewsBlur great.

Are we talking ReadKit or some other program called NewsKit?

For the record, the guys working on ReadKit for Mac have been great. I’ve been submitting bugs and beta testing 2.3.1 of ReadKit. It features a newly redone NewsBlur engine. It is quite a bit faster and more stable than the current AppStore version (2.3.0)

Fix what problem? The AppStore version of ReadKit works fine with NewsBlur. I have almost 900 feeds on NewsBlur and ReadKit works well with it (the beta 2.3.1 is more stable though).

I was referring to ReadKit. When I started this thread, I accidentally referred to it as NewsKit, probably because I spent years using a great Mac/iOS app called NewsRack, before the Google RSS feed API was discontinued. I like the NewsBlur service (I got the premium subscription), and the ReadKit app is great for Mac and iOS - and I use ReadKit for Mac for Instapaper as well as NewsBlur feeds.