Newsblur does not appear to be receiving pubsubhubbub notifications for a particular feed.


Feed for Q4TD:…

I don’t think Newsblur is receiving the pubsubhubbub notifications for updates to this feed. The feed receives a new post every weekday at 4pm Melbourne/Australia (6am UTC) time however posts often do not appear at Newsblur for a day or two (probably as part of the supplemental check every 43 to 54 hours.)

Any way to re-subscribe the feed to the pubsubhubbub server? (Which is




Does not appear to have received notification today.

It’s them, not me. Right-click on the feed and go to Statistics. You’ll see the PuSH lease expiration at the bottom right. So the feed isn’t fulfilling it’s expectations. Insta-Fetching the feed will force a PuSH re-lease, which should fix it. NewsBlur will also auto-detect a lost connection and re-connect after a few days.

Thanks for the info. I can see the lease now after doing an Insta-Fetch. Hopefully it is righted. Ta.

Looks like it worked today. Thanks for the info!