New style fonts look bad in Chrome

I tried playing with the new Style fonts in Newsblur on Chrome, and all of the new ones are blurry. The only ones that are not are “Helvetica” and “Palatino / Georgia”. See my screenshot taken with the “Gotham Narrow” font.

I am running Windows 7 with the latest Chrome and ClearType fonts on.

I also noticed that the font on the bottom list is different after this new font change (and is not configurable)…


That’s odd that the new fonts don’t work. Does anybody else have any Windows issues with the new fonts? I’d love to hear.

What extensions do you have installed? Also, do you have Adobe products installed? I’ve heard issues about other fonts treading on the fonts NewsBlur uses.

The story titles list had its font enlarged bit a single point. It’s easier to read now, and a bit more configurable with story previews.

I don’t have many Extensions installed, just a few around cookies and script management. I do however, have several Adobe products installed.

Chrome on Windows has a long time known bug with webfont rendering.

More info -…

  • 1, I was going to show some examples for each text, but it turns out the menus side by side show it all.
    Windows 7

Chrome ----- Firefox

Enabling DirectWrite in Chrome makes the new fonts in @NewsBlur look 100% better. [Chrome://flags/#enable-direct-write]

— Alex Lomas (@alexlomas) April 15, 2014

Shared through the Newsblur twitter account. Offers slight improvement.