Neutral stories read as focused by IFTTT

Not sure if this chould go here or on IFTTT, but I tried to push unread focus stories and it picked up a lot of random stuff with a neutral rating. Is anyone else seeing neutral posts picked up as focused by IFTTT?

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If you used the focus trigger on IFTTT, you should only have focus unread stories come through.

My recipe (as they call it) is this:
“If new unread focus story, then send a notification”

The notification goes to pushover which I use for my phone since the app doesn’t give notification. I’m assuming that focused means the stories I have trained to be green. I don’t have a lot of them but a couple of blogs and some security stuff. When I activated the recipe I got between two and four notifications an hour, all from feeds that are not marked as focus. When checking in the newsblur app and in the browser I had no unread fucused stories.

Something’s wrong, because when I test the IFTTT recipe for a focus feed, it works great. They are only taking a feed id and grabbing stories back, and I only supply focus stories if they are asking for one. I’ll double check, but I’m not quite sure why. I’m going to setup another focus trigger and see what happens.

Worth noting might be that I set the recipe to include all feeds but as mentioned used the function to get focused stories (I wanted to include all focused stories and not have to edit if I trained something new). Let me know if you need any more info or if I can help test anything. Thanks for the quick reply //S on the tablet