Navigation issues on Newsblur 3.5 on Galaxy S3

Hi, the new version of the Android App is causing some troubles. I make use of groups of feeds and only go via those groups to read my articles. Following problems occur :

  1. After reading a group, the unread count is usually wrong (most of the time negative). A refresh on the first page does correct the counter. This little issue was already present in previous versions.
  2. When I have a group with a lot of articles in it (let’s say 100 articles) he sometimes jumps ahead ( from article 15 to 60 for example ). Most of the times I can go back but sometimes he marks all previous articles as read and doesn’t allow me to go back. I mostly use swipe left and right to navigate through the articles. I generally notice this behavior if I go to the next article and it shows me a blank page
  3. When I’m reading a group and approach the last article, it often shows the same blank page as in issue 2. Then I can swipe left to see the last article but all other articles are no longer accessible, only the last article.
  4. When having read my articles and going back to my group overview (so not the main screen), it keeps showing ‘loading’ while there is nothing to load.

I do think the latest improvements on the parallel data retrieval are the cause here, because I was very happy with the last version. This version however should be fixed or reverted asap.

I come from google reader and do find the web version of newsblur up to par (even better than google reader), but the Android app still needs some work and attention before it’s up to par with the google reader android app.

Hoping to hear from you very soon …

Sven Peeters


You’re not alone, a lot of us are experiencing the same issues, myself included. There’s word about a new version being pushed out early next week. Until then, best advice I can offer you is to just stick to using the website and avoid even opening the mobile app.

I agree with point 2, this is causing some greif for me as well.