Navigation issues on iOS 9 NewsBlur app (iPhone 5)

Noticing navigation issues using ios9 NewsBlur app with my iPhone 5. I’m able to scroll down to read some posts but not others. Anyone have a fix?


No fix but I am definitely having the same problem. Some posts scroll, some don’t. I end up having to open the page in safari to read it.

I am on iPhone 6S Plus so it doesn’t seem device-specific.

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Me too. I was trying to figure out how to reproduce it and I haven’t yet.

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I’m submitting the fix today. If you want to work around it, just double-tap, close the in-app browser, and you should be good again.

It’s caused by partially double-tapping but not fully double-tapping.

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Thanks Samuel!

I have observed opening and closing the in-app browser to _not_ clear the problem.

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What you need to do to work around this bug is double-tap in one place fast enough to trigger an action, then undo whatever action that was.  If you open the in-app browser via some other method that won’t necessarily help.

Hi… now that the holiday weekend is over… any idea when we’ll get this fixed-update? (I’m anxiously awaiting the fix :slight_smile: )

Yes, I’m working on all of the issues I could find after a deep dive this past week. I’m nearly done and will be submitting the app for review tonight.

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Samuel: Much appreciated. The app on my two-year-old iPad is starting to experience similar problems too. I was on the beta program, but opted out thinking the monitoring app was the source of the problem. 

Nicholas: That approach has worked with some feeds on my end, but not others. Up to now, my user experience has been about as trouble-free as could be. I know Samuel has our backs, and NB will be well very soon.

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Just got the new version that seems to have fixed the problem with scrolling up in an article, but now I seem to have a new problem. Every 10 stories or so (sometimes more sometimes less) I can’t swipe left to get the next story. I swipe and it starts to show the next story on the right, but no matter how far or how fast I swipe, I can’t bring the next story all the way over and as soon as I lift my finger it just snaps back to the current story. (I’m on an iPhone 6 with iOS 9.1)

Same here. iPhone 6S Plus with the current iOS 9.2 beta.

Tapping the next button will unstick things, but this does seem to be a new problem in 5.0.2.  I was able to find the culprit (here) so hopefully it won’t take too long to get a fix out.

Same problem here with iOS 9.

This new horizontal scrolling bug has been identified and now fixed. I will submit the fix to the App Store in the next couple days as I fix anything else that may have come up in 5.0.2.