Moved a folder to top level and it disappeared

Using the desktop web interface, I wanted to move a folder from within another folder, up to the top level. After I selected it and clicked to move it to the top, it disappeared (along with its feeds).

I’m hoping there is some way to make it reappear?

Part of the problem might be that I’d accidentally had another folder with the same name at the top level already (though it didn’t merge the feeds).

Please let me know if there is any suggestion for what I can do.

Thank you,

Yeah, this is a tough one. I’m pretty sure those feeds are gone. This just isn’t handled well on the backend. Folders really need to have unique names. They don’t get merged when they get moved to the same parent folder.

Is it possible for you to re-subscribe to those feeds? I can dip into the backups and export an OPML backup of your subscriptions, which will merge them correctly. But I’m about to head out on vacation so it’ll be a little while before I can get to it…

Actually, I just went into my account and happily it showed all those feeds at the top level–so I was just able to move them into the folder I wanted. I’m not sure why they didn’t appear yesterday… maybe a browser cache issue?