Marking as read/unread

Same here on firefox30 using windows 7

The fix was trivial, I just killed a bunch of zombie processes. These only occur when I have a failed DB server and bootstrapping it fails once (which happens surprisingly often with mongodb, but usually because i don’t ask it to sync with a specific server fast enough and so it nearly takes down production because of a resync from master and not a slave).

Which means that the server is in the same condition now as it always is. No other errors are coming through, so it’s likely that there is some other front-end change that may have caused this. But I can’t reproduce it and I’m not entirely sure what’s happening.

It looks like the request never actually fires, which sounds like a front-end issue. Do you see any console messages or errors? Can you confirm that the AJAX event is firing (if you know how).

Firebug does not show an outbound network request when attempting to mark all as read, although it does unbold the stories (until reload) it seems to only be making the changes client side. No errors however are being reported to console.log()

Just checked and it is behaving itself at the moment. If I see the problem again I will try and grab some console output for you. Also, are you familiar with Fiddler? If so, I would be happy to capture some traffic logs and send them to you.