I’ve had this happen twice in the last couple of days. Last on site 6101307, user Leonick, in case you have some form of logs.
I had 8 unread this morning, three from days back that I’ve left unread to get back to and 5 new ones.
I went through the new ones and ended up marking the last of them as unread to get back to later.
As I click a different item in the sidebar I see the counter for the feed go from 4 to 1.
In this case the ones I had kept were several days old, maybe a even a week, so no chance of finding them since I don’t really remember more than one of the titles. The last time it happened was easier as it was items from just a couple days ago on a youtube channel so only a few items to go through.
I neither case the items have been old enough to be beyond the 30 days or some other limit.
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Are you a premium archive subscriber and did you change the days of unread? If not, this is going to be hard to find and reproduce. If possible, please post a full screenshot so I can see what options you have setup and which feed it’s on, along with the address bar so I can easily lookup the feed in question and check what happened.
And if this continues to happen, I’ll switch you to a special debugging server and you’ll let me know when it happens so I can dive deep.
Regular premium, not the new archive subscriber.
I tried setting the manually mark every story as read setting, but I have switched back, and that setting shouldn’t work for me? Surprised it shows.
Here are settings
Full URL of the last feed where it happened is: NewsBlur
Not entirely certain on the feed where it happened the first time but I think it was NewsBlur
Happened on the website.
Will update if it happens again.
Ok, I just pushed out a fix. Let me know how that works!
Thanks Sam, I just came to the forum to ask about this exact issue.
I also saw the “mark stories as read after x days” bar in my settings even though I hadnt signed up to the Archive subscription.
I went back into the Preferences (on iOS but requested the desktop site) I can no longer change the value but it’s still set to 365 days. Would your fix still work for me?
Also, I assume there’s no way to get back the stories that were marked as read?
EDIT: I just logged in on a browser on a desktop and can still change the slider to change the days after stories are marked as read.