Mark as read - from top of list through this post.

Mark as read - from top of list through this post.

Sometimes a feed can have too many items to look at in one sitting. I often will get part way through the list of headings and wish I had a way to tell NewsBlur to mark everything read through this point so I can pick up where I left off at another time.

This feature would be great in both the iOS and browser version.


Yup, this exists in iOS already, but only when reading by folders. I think itā€™s too complicated to add to the web or to individual feeds.

Samuel-Iā€™ve tried to figure out how to do this in iOS (when reading an entire folder) but I donā€™t see how itā€™s done. Help?!?

Too complicated for the web? Thatā€™s quite disappointing, itā€™s the one feature that I desperately miss from Reader.

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What did the UI look like for it? Did you right-click a story and select ā€œMark as read above this pointā€? That I could do, but I have so much on my plate itā€™d take a while to get to. If this gets the votes (and I remember), Iā€™d be happy to implement this.

If I recall, it was just a key shortcut, Shift-W I believe. That would look at whichever story was currently selected and mark read all stories in that feed that were older. I believe there was the inverse too, Shift-something to mark all the stories in that feed that were newer.

Right-click, shortcut, stern look; doesnā€™t matter how itā€™s activated! Curious to see how many others use it.

How? Looking at the iOS app now, and I donā€™t see it. Iā€™d love this feature and would happily pony up a subscription for it (heck, I just bought a hotspot so I can use it while walking the dog).

(also, being able to do this by feed would be really nice, weird that a folder is easier than a feed)

Sam, one thing that I think could help is making the bottom pull-refresh have a bit more give. That way, when scrolling down, you know when youā€™ve hit the bottom of the current list of stories and can hit the ā€˜Mark XX stories as readā€™ button with assurance that youā€™re not missing anything.

Wouldnā€™t even be that hard to buildā€¦ itā€™s on my list.

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Huzzah! The final piece of the puzzleā€¦


Let me please add my little weight (and vote) so this feature gets implemented! Keep up with the good work!

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