"Mark All As Read" function when folder contents is displayed, is MISSING

Two interesting problems, this being the second one in 24 hours. This is a drag.


Do you not see it? I just moved it to the bottom of the screen.

Horrible place to put it. The VAST majority of my interaction with the site is in the top left side of the screen. I change feeds, click on stories all in the top left. I used to be able to mark all as read in the top left as well. Occasionally I’d scroll tot he bottom of a long list and have to scroll back up to mark all read, not a big deal. Now you have this control Diagonally opposite in the bottom left. Horrible design choice, and horrible user experience. Put it back.

You know that the menu in the bottom is replicated in the actual feed/folder menu when you click on it?

Double the clicks isn’t a good UI solution. If you moved it to make room for the fly out for some obscure request to mark read by a number of days, why not put that less used functionality in a menu a click or two away and put simple basic everyday functionality back where it belongs.

Randomly moving a chunk of the UI just bizarre and really non-intuitive.

For now I’ll use the Dev site which seems to have things where they belong.

Ah, so the button was moved to the bottom. I thought I altered this myself. Thx

I love your product, and actually prefer it over Google Reader on a lot of fronts.

With that in mind, please move the toolbar with the feed/folder title, view options, and mark-all-as-read button back to the top. The name of the feed/folder should be a header, not a footer. Most software and websites put navigation and functions at the top, not the bottom. I definitely prefer it where it was.

I do like that the toolbar is now anchored, so that it is always visible. If you would move it back to the top, but keep that anchoring functionality, that would be fantastic. In the past, scrolling through a long list of unread stories would result in me having to scroll back up to the top to mark them all as read. Anchored toolbar is a keeper!

Thanks for all your hard work,


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Move it back up to the top. It’s in a stupid place.

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Agreed. I’d prefer the view options (which I almost never use) get moved to the bottom, whereas the title/unread control (which I use daily) live at the top.

If you use the Stylish extension (Firefox/Chrome) the following is a little script I updated this morning to move the bar back to the top of the window:

 @namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml); 
 @-moz-document domain("newsblur.com") { 

 div.NB-feedbar-mark-feed-read-container { float: left !important; } 

 div.NB-story-titles-header { 
top: 0 !important; 
bottom: auto !important; 

It also moves the mark all read button to the left, which works better for me.

I was just playing around with it and agree with you Nicholas. I’m probably going to take a crack at reversing those two later this weekend. I’ll be moving it around further, so don’t worry. I agree that it doesn’t flow quite right at the bottom. The title should be at the top. Those view and story traversal controls will go at the bottom, just like they are on iOS and soon to be on Android.

So for now, use it as if it’s days are numbered and enjoy the feeling of dissonance.

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Awesome, thanks.

ever since the change, and the change back (thanks!),
clicking on the mark-all read icon does two things:

  1. it doesn’t mark all-read
  2. the icon/button disappears.

then I try shift-A as before, and that does not work:
it just marks the first article as read, not all.
i restarted Chrome, and then the laptop,
and not working.

( Chrome with the latest Mac OS )

Much Improved. Thank you.

I’d still prefer to see it on the left side of the bar that it’s in, but having it back at the top is hugely appreciated

Thanks Sam for the speedy response.

Totally agree, button should be next to feed title - this way is more convenient to use it.

Definitely an improvement! A few glitches since everything was repositioned…

The options/unread control is not correctly positioned for All Site Stories:

The feed title and expanded mark as read controls can wrap when the window is narrow:

…and fixed. Thanks!

I’d also much prefer the mark all as read button to be in the upper left.

And done. This feels a whole lot more natural and was the natural progression from rooting the feed title bar out of the story titles pane. Once it was free to move around, I should’ve been more swift in kicking the navigation bar down to the bottom of the screen.

If you were a NewsBlur user for some time, you might remember that the navigation bar used to split the feed view and the story titles view. Now that it’s at the bottom, it’s where it should’ve been. And the title is on top, where it too belongs.