Mailgun Self Hosted Setup

Trying to setup a self-hosted setup with Mailgun for sending/receiving.

MAILGUN_ACCESS_KEY and MAILGUN_SERVER_NAME setup. Confirmed via command line that they are working. Newsblur though isn’t sending emails. Something else to check? I don’t see any errors in the log files.

For newsletters, what is the URL post to configure within Mailgun? It looks like it should be /newsletters/receive but I get a 404 on that URL. Any other configs here?


I fixed one problem:

In mailgun, set your fowarding URL to http://ip-address-to-your-server/newsletters/receive

using the hostname was problematic for some reason. also since you’re using IP address, you’ll need to use http vs https.

still haven’t solved my sending email issue.

Try using a local console for mail sending to see if it’s working. It’s EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend' in I assume you changed that to Mailgun. Can you try sending a mailgun test email using the shell? make shell