MacOS app in-app browser

New MacOS app was a lovely surprise for a Friday! It’s great to have a dedicated app that is easy to Cmd+Tab to.

However, would it be possible to have an in-app browser / WebView so that opening articles can stay in-app, like on iOS? Might tie in nicely with Option to set default ‘open in’ browser. It would save bouncing out to the browser, and then having to switch back to the app.


I’d like to see this, too, but I believe @Dejal, who built the macOS app, gave me a good reason why we couldn’t do this. Can you weigh in David? Is it possible to keep links in-app?

As I recall, the reason was that it isn’t possible to have a web view in a modal or popover view; it just doesn’t work properly on macOS.

I would think that I could do it by opening a new window, though. I don’t remember if I tried that and had some issue, or just decided that using the browser was more Mac-like.

I could re-investigate, and implement a new window if feasible.

I’d want it to be inside the current window. It doesn’t have to be a popover, a pushed view would work.

That should be feasible. Please add an issue for this.

Here we go, you can follow development on this issue: macOS: in-app browser · Issue #1904 · samuelclay/NewsBlur · GitHub

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Actually, I’d forgotten: if you set the default browser setting to In-app browser:

…clicking the browser button in the top-right corner of the main window does open the story in a new browser window in the Mac app:

Is that the behavior that we’re talking about?

Oh wow, that’s perfect!

Sorry I missed that option when scanning through! :man_facepalming: That also covers off the related issue for selecting an alternative browser.

Thank you!