Links to Web sites invalid or wrong

I have been finding recently that if I want to read more than the synopsis of a feed/story and click the link to a Web site, it does not always work as expected.

The link increasingly goes to the wrong site, or the right site but the wrong story, or to the right site but a 404 message.

Today, the strangest of messages, which I had copied and pasted but which your dawned posting software lost as it insisted I log in after typing and pressing post - but then loaded a blank page. Android does not have an accessible clipboard, so Iā€™ve lost the message. It was about database something or other and went on for 6 lines.

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Found the story and this is the mesage

Warning: array_values() [function.array-values]: The argument should be an array in /homepages/43/d458291591/htdocs/plugins/articles/libraries/routes/ArticleRoute.php on line 123
Canā€™t perform query on database Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ā€˜ā€™ at line 4

Why wonā€™t you let me upload a 443MB screenshot png ? What use is 2MB?

The story is from PlanetTechNews about Google wanting to make free with available everywhere

That javascript error isnā€™t from NewsBlur. Are you in the original/story view? Also, whatā€™s the url of the feed when you click on it?

Samuel - thank you for taking time to look at this. I understand the jave script error is not yours, but it is generated due to the link from newsblur, which is invalid.

The story is from Planettech news. The feed site settings in NewsBlur showsā€¦

The link to the story as I hover over it in newsblur is :- | planet tech news/how-google-plans-to-make-free-wi-fi-available-wherever-you-go

When I go to the planettech web site and find the story, its address isā€¦

If I look back through the feed, the stories up to 26 May have the correct syntax for the link to the web site story. The stories from and including 27th May have the additional non html in the links, and hence do not work.

Is this something you can fix? Do I need to report this to planettech and if so, how?

Yep, they are publishing their own feed and are [probably] mistakenly inserting a GUID where the permalink belongs.

Iā€™ve reported it to them. Hopefully they will fix it. I see youā€™ve only 2 subscribers to that feed!

I hate Iā€™ve just spent half an hour on my Android getting all the information about a problem into this box, clicked reply, and took 3 attempts to recognise my password, then kicked me back to an empty form. It has lost all the links I carefully copied and pasted (even having to type in a word so it would paste, as it refused to paste onto an empty space).
Anyway, it was another problem with a feed this time from the verge, with the headline linking correctly but the bottom ā€œcontinue readingā€ link having extra non home. I have reported it to the verge.
And I lose sight of this message as does not scroll and it is hidden by my keyboard

I have had a similar problem for a couple of months now. I donā€™t have any current examples to share but pretty much every day I run into a problem where Iā€™ll click on a link provided by NewsBlue so I can read the entire story on the appropriate website and I get a different story. When I back out of that site and click on the link for the story I got by error and then go back to the link for the story I WANTED to read I usually find itā€™s now there. Any idea why this is happening? Iā€™m using a MacBook Air OS 10.9.3 and Chrome Version 35.0.1916.153.

I posted a question about this a day or so ago and have had no feedback.

Wayne, whatā€™s the site url when you click on the feed that gives incorrect story links?

As soon as I decided to ask about it the problem has not re-occurred. Iā€™ll let you know the next time it happens.

Interesting! This has not happened for 3 to 4 days now. Hope it never does again!!!

AND this morning it happened again. I was using NewsBlur on my Verizon Samsung Galaxy Note 2, OS 4.4.2, and clicked on a link from Consumer Reports on-line magazine about ā€œTop-scoring hospitals for heart surgeryā€ and instead got ā€œ5 best used cars for teen driversā€ at:

Weā€™ve got an Android update going out either today or tomorrow (if things go well). That may address the issue.

That would be great! Thanks for the heads up!

Android update???

Huh, not looking good for an Android update in the near future:-(

This morning on my Nexus 7 2013 (Android 4.4.2), I got an article from a different web site! Just now (12 hours later) I tried it again to report it, and got the right article.
The article is from ephotozine, entitled Permajet Printed Life in Black and White.
This morning I got gizmodo, an article I had read about 3 minutes earlier. Then I tried three times, and got the same one each time.

Weā€™re working on a pretty far ranging android update set for about a month out. It has offline functionality as well as a major backend rewrite to fix these issues. Itā€™ll take a bit, but weā€™re working hard on it.

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Thanks goodness for that. Just got another one this morning. In Newsblur Android, the story was from PhoneArena - ā€œApple IDā€™s two-step verification feature is now available in a panoply of new countries across the globeā€, but the link when touched takes me to their story about ā€œLG/G3 s / G3 Beat priced at E349 in Europeā€! On the PC, the link works.

On the other hand, I much prefer the way the Android app works over the PC one. Iā€™m looking forward to the improvement yourā€™re bringing - offline could be fantastic.