Late to renew (by one day), now all feeds are gone

So I didn’t renew until I got the email saying my subscription had expired, but I followed the link right away, paid up, and now all the feeds are gone.

I see in a previous problem report (3 years ago) that you might have backups; any chance of restoring the feeds?

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Your feeds are probably all muted (but one). I’m not sure why one isn’t muted, but if they were all muted then paying after a subscription lapse would turn them all on again. 

Head to Manage > Muted Feeds > All On. The “Choose Your 64” dialog uses the same mechanism as muting feeds. 

I had to mute them all, then unmute, and they are back on all platforms.  Specifically the path was:

Under the MANAGE heading, click “Mute Sites”, then click things to show all sites with green “ON” boxes.  (The button texts change depending on the specific case at hand.)
