keyword list

Hi, is it possible to save a list of keywords and to receive regular notifications on news from the newsfeeds containing those keywords?

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This is the basis for the notifications feature, which is the next major feature I’m building.

Well, that depends on what you mean by notifications. If you just want a separate unread count, then that’s what the intelligence trainer and Focus mode are all about.

Hi Sam,

Has there been any progress on this feature?  My main purpose for purchasing newsblur would be to receive notification when a keyword occurs in my subscribed feeds. 

Thanks for your work on this, I’ve been messing around with the freemium account and it seems fantastic!


Any updates on the progress of this feature? I would love to have this instead of the IFTTT recipes alternative.

Notifications are my top feature request and I hope to build it after the kickstarter (mid november).

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