I've just been logged in to someone else's newsblur account on the web

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Initially pressing login did nothing. It would not log in or give me a login screen. I did something else for a quarter of an hour. Then I tried again, and in front of me is someone else’s newsblur account feeds and stories.

I think you are still logged out and seeing the demo account.


Can you please try the login again?

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Yes, by logging out and clicking “try newsblur” I see the demo account which is the same.  I posted becasue two years ago I actually DID get someone elses real account and had deleted a feed before I realised.
It might be a good idea for the title of that to be “Demo Account”. 

I had searched under my heading and it gave me unrelated comments from 2 years ago. If the getsatisfaction search was better and gave more recent results I would probably not have posted this. I have made a suggestion about that already.